Home Industries competitions have been an important part of the Katikati A&P Show since its inception in 1913.
The competitions originally enabled women and children to participate by showcasing skills learnt and practiced within the home.
For many years the Country Women’s Institute (CWI) ran the Home Industries with some members being involved for decades. Women’s Division of Federated Farmers’ Dulcie Bond back in the 1970s was involved with the show for 27 years, having revived the Home Industries after it had flagged due to the Waihi district parting ways with the Katikati A&P Society.
During World War One and more recently during Covid the A&P Show was postponed. Home Industries was also on hold for 12 years returning in 2013 in its present format which holds true to the past.
Today there is a Home Industries competition for everyone – women, men and children. Categories include traditional home skills such as vegetable and herb growing; flower growing, floral arrangement, baking, preserving, and hand crafts, often with a present-day interpretation.
Although the prize money is nominal it is the thrill of taking home the ribbons, first, second, third, or winning one of the many cups on which your name will be recorded for posterity.
We are pleased to continue this annual competition and hope that you will enter into the spirit of yesteryear with 100 categories in celebration of our 100th show.
Entries are received in the A&P Exhibition Hall on the show grounds on Major Street on the day before the main show day to allow for judging. Prize giving and viewing by the public is on Show Day.
The competitions originally enabled women and children to participate by showcasing skills learnt and practiced within the home.
For many years the Country Women’s Institute (CWI) ran the Home Industries with some members being involved for decades. Women’s Division of Federated Farmers’ Dulcie Bond back in the 1970s was involved with the show for 27 years, having revived the Home Industries after it had flagged due to the Waihi district parting ways with the Katikati A&P Society.
During World War One and more recently during Covid the A&P Show was postponed. Home Industries was also on hold for 12 years returning in 2013 in its present format which holds true to the past.
Today there is a Home Industries competition for everyone – women, men and children. Categories include traditional home skills such as vegetable and herb growing; flower growing, floral arrangement, baking, preserving, and hand crafts, often with a present-day interpretation.
Although the prize money is nominal it is the thrill of taking home the ribbons, first, second, third, or winning one of the many cups on which your name will be recorded for posterity.
We are pleased to continue this annual competition and hope that you will enter into the spirit of yesteryear with 100 categories in celebration of our 100th show.
Entries are received in the A&P Exhibition Hall on the show grounds on Major Street on the day before the main show day to allow for judging. Prize giving and viewing by the public is on Show Day.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to all our sponsors for their support with the Home Industries section of the Katikati A&P Show.:
Sue Couper: 07 549 5490
Virginia O’Leary: 021680038 Dale Brown: 0274051115 Angie Lund: 0212039554 |